Saturday, February 3, 2018

Children with sensory processing disorder can have trouble sleeping which is a very tiresome situation for the parents and the child.
Here are some ideas you can try that can help ( I tried some of them, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, but it's worth a try)
1- deep joint compression before they go to bed (

2- don't give dairy products before bed time
3- no iPads or phones or any screen time two hours before bed
4- massage using magnesium oil especially the souls of the feet then cover with socks) I will try this as soon as I get the magnesium oil and give you all feedback. I found the magnesium oil sold online on a page called black lotus
5- give your child a stress ball
6- using the big gym ball, let your child sit on it and press on their shoulders down so try bounce on the ball.
Then have them sleep on their tummy on the ball and roll the ball front and back..
I found this video very useful
I'm going to try these techniques the coming month and let you all know how did it go
If you're not sure what to do please as our doctor or therapist. I'm just giving you ideas to ask your doctor about as sometimes they will not offer you these solutions unless you ask about them.

Have a great day and hopefully a good night sleep 😴

Monday, January 15, 2018

With the beginning of 2018, me and Ali decided we will take Tala off her 6 hour a day therapy plan and put her in a more flexible plan..
We listed her priorities and our number one priority was her happiness and comfort.
Lately we noticed that Tala had an attitude problem where she just says no for everything.. she hates getting dressed in the morning, she refuses every instruction we give her..
I thought that she’s developing behavioral problems but when we gave her some time off therapy and spent more quality time with her, her sleep pattern became better and her attitude toned down..
We talked about it, and we decided that we will follow our guts on this.
Here is our current plan versus our old plan:
1-    Tala will go to Nursery full time instead of ½ an hour a day
2-    We hired a shadow teacher who will accompany Tala in the nursery and in all her therapies to learn how to deal with her and what kind of help she needs
3-    We booked sessions, three days a week only and we chose what she needs the most.
Then we will re-assess this decision in three months and see if we are on the right track or not.

Taking this decision was not easy for us at all because I’m not sure if what im doing is right for her or not. What I see in front of me right now is a happier Tala, a more calm Tala..
I personally believe that a happier child will develop better, maybe slower but surely better.. I need my child to feel like she’s a child, I need to give her room for her own imagination, I want her to be comfortable with what she’s doing.. She’s not a robot that needs programming.. she’s a human being first before she’s a challenged kid.
If this decision will make her happier and at the same time help her develop at a steady pace then I will go on with it.
And to be honest, its not only Tala who’s happier, we are happier parents.. we feel somehow normal.. we get a channel book from the nursery asking us to send art stuff for Tala, we get to see her pictures playing with other kids, we get to talk with other parents about the nursery and what’s going on there.
I have to admit that this made us more relaxed, seeing our child happy and excited about going to the nursery, not crying and begging us that she wants to stay at home and not leave the house.
I’m sharing this experience with other parents to tell you that, yes, therapists do know what’s good for your child but you know what’s best.
Give your children a break, spend quality time with them.. give their minds a break.. a relaxed brain processes information much better than a cluttered one.
More is not always better, sometimes less but rich is much much better for you and your child.

Stop, write a list of where your child is and what does he need now and slow down..